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Michael Porter on Competitiveness


march summers throughout the years from three people one question you know if michael four the well-behaved as much as i will columbus haha i
wouldn’t be here without dates gentle haha the house helped us to be a life sciences summit parkour cluster problems last night thought they were all leaders and sector on here health but organized sat session is not that session writing that such a large step that ameya could not resist anything he wants to do in this is not this is not recommended that it’s just
holding twist haha okay so odd it’s a very because they didn’t record it out this is that all of you given the roles important jobs that you have a reaction
here this doesn’t happen very often in my experience poulsbo time since the government folks wiring kilometers teenagers don’t know a lot of times this coalition-building acadian bill in the
economy is the staff development is left to people that are running
chambers of commerce in the year various economic development it’s raining you’re going to be that usually left you kind of these
people whose job it is today economic development the fact that the principles of here linked to state his it’s something i
find very very very good i got a little bit of work actually fifty i’ll miss connelly and i think you should be integration
solutions popped out the five thousand economy of
the economy is performing tactically advanced late i think it is a danger
signs here we talk about i think that’s the first at you all that
present because you know your date but but i think the first step in kind
of revitalize in the region is this really get a leaders together to feel
committed to being part of the process says is also you know that we found that
the whole process of community and to give economic development changed over the last ten twelve years used to
be a government driven process now we find it is a government driven
processes fails now it has to be a private sector to
process in which the business community and
university community are actually driving process rather than sort of are popping in their complaints and
request for with them the fact that we have this group here is
really extraordinary that more than anything else he even
david retract the part of the session we have very little time today anna
handout what i’m hoping to do is just a few
interested in all pol pot competitors for the region in the defense suburban core that region which is we
find is a particular challenge if this is an order to save and
hopefully we can find someplace to continue the dialogue spot we will have had more time to
collect more data white house is saying valuable okay according to give you sort of overview of how do you think about a eight metropolitan regional economy how we think about its prosperity the
drives that prosperity what we’ve learned about some of the key dot issues and challenges that every
region has been addressed understand a little bit on if i have it
on that economically distressed urban core of regional economies which is a major
issue all across the country whenever that will take a few questions
and hopefully i will be treating about that decide what will continue to be there
wonder sells in columbus we’re going upstairs here partner i have acquired we could prepared a
little bit of the attack on the columbus economy drawing on our t_v_ sets we have very very large data sets on regional
economies in the united states from a handout by the end up when i i’ve learned over time for a
handout is beginning haha novelists and i have so much yet to cover in so
short of time that i want to make sure it wasn’t me so took a wrong slides and up but don’t worry about that are hopefully electric if you look at it
then told that little framework trouble economic develop right the first thing we’ve got to see
it isn’t what makes it region competitive why do some regions improve their
prosperity grow jobs grow income why does that happen well bali what we cover status
compatible subregion bitches is based on the productivity of
entries productivity would wish that region can
use labor and capital to make valuable businesses if they region is a very productive
place to do business our network t_v_ is the created first day at work and every dollar capital invested in
that region if every worker in that region is
creating a lot of output valuable output per day you can pay yourself i wait if every dollar capital invested in the
years is producing a lot of output what you’re going to hurt the return on
that path and that’s the kind of choir loft
oppressor if you’re productive if you confuse a
lot of output a lot of but for dollars capital invested you can be wealthy but if you’re not productive for wherever set of reasons your incomes are
going to be held out knocking retract your fair share of the new high-wage
jobs regions compete to be to be the most productive place to do
this posse productivity has lobbied the sql
it has a lot to do with technology has flattened infrastructure cost a lot of
things we’ll talk about later couple of additional points out that i
want to make here it doesn’t matter so much particular eagles region competed what he did she loses her when he raped
at plastic products or whether you’re in semiconductors actually turns out not to know that much what matters is how sophisticated and
productive you are at whatever you get hopkinton fired at him any many people
get into the mind set that we have to be a high-tech i thought when i got to groups like you embraces all we got to get the i think
we’ve got to get into high tea and actually that’s not correct in fact what you find is that high tech
and biotech analyst you interesting technology issues only represent about four percent of the above jumps and even if your wildly successful that will never the in the even close to the majority of
your employment what you need to be is productive on all
of your games you’re never going to save your economy
by trying to provide a cop out to cluster of because i suspect that those are good those can
be helpful to be part of a successful economy which if i were to be productive cripple across the board in your company in whatever feels you have a a_k_a_
expertise at uniqueness and we’ll talk about that later and i’ll show you some
of the golden state so don’t get the city’s by picking
winners their owners now the sheik telematics gingrich making shoes because they can sell providing about
him because they have the best side of the
best design the best skilled in the best brands you don’t have to be in semiconductors
to prosper pieces that he really productive and the good news in this modern economy
bars is every field out this high-tech every single nobody obviously can employ advance technology pictures
that anything for moving packages to leads to drilling for oil to whatever it is
indeed so think about your fundamental role in
building a prosperity in the region raising the level i want to read if i didn’t want to build on your
strengths ran a dream about getting into some
entirely new feel that you don’t exist in medicine now what a lot to be productive i’d pose
some years ago i think that is that theory that the productivity of locations and says that at any location to be really productive use forceps number one you need fairly high quality inputs very highly skilled people verification infrastructure up very good support local suppliers of capital and so on base so the companies they work it access
that scientific of the infrastructure and to help them
computing heating costs centuries later going to be more crap
you’ve got to have their inputs get the same or people who say what single technical business analyst roger the more productive we believe the inputs to rising paul the ryan said it’s the competition is productivity or an accomplished maybe six or seven washington your case intellectual property protection you
need investment incentives the strongest response philip firms don’t kia collude actually
happened if you find when there’s a lot of local
competition pot you tend to have uprooted and we see that the basics in order to have productive economy and take advantage of sophisticated mobile markets divided regions are often competitive in
those feels where they had a very sophisticated
local needs where your local market where local
customer relo commutes everyday demanding that has allowed me to be interpretive
resuscitation uh… you know what the reasons why
italians are so great baking sheets is the times are very
specific customers sheets the average italian spends more on shoes
prettier than any other nationality but they buy fewer pairs than almost any
other nationalities if it might be required quality wouldn’t dream of going to k_-mart
varnishes they want to go to a specialty store
they want to talk to expert i think take their time it’s a three
hour experience it’s except this if you don’t need that helps them maintainer right now and
i miss drive the firm to be able to so you’re looking in your economy we
argue demanding where you have since he didn’t you’re just a raisin consumer base that listen to them and the final thing you need to be really reputation clusters a cluster is where you just don’t have
one permanent given field where you have a whole cluster affirms in that field uh… this is a good example plus
california law seven hundred and forty-five wonders not just one four thousand growers of grapes their independent of the ninety five percent of all the wine
producing americans actually produced in california they people think it’s because the
weather it actually isn’t there’s lots of places
in the united states but you can grow fonder if you read the one spectator let me give you an organ you can’t do it
you can long island martha’s vineyard off the reason that california is so
successful in the steel the reason they go on for making barrels
in james thirty-five our dollar wildlife is they become very productive very high skilled very dense in this field they have a cluster there’s a lot of first but there’s also
all the associated supporting industries for their so california winery that wants to
borrow money doesn’t have to go to their local bank and put their house for
collateral they can go to abandon those their
business and has launched where v where where really the ichi in which we
really want to miss class but here to the renters you have any
bones where your lender can put up inventory of whiteness clap of course
not you know let you know expertise in the past three california all the agencies all the banks understand that cost have specialized training programs a specialized protests specialty benefits plus we have to ask
you can be very productive all skills in a row technology is there all the excuses there suppliers right here you don’t need
inventory everything is just in time and so when we look at the connie what
we see it all better this economy’s is that we
see their their culture nausea random distribution industries in
the economy is in the region in tennessee regions unusually strong in certain fields where they have at critical mass which allows them to be more productive then some other location and that imp so you want to build on
those things with possibly uh… retention apparently made a point that build an economy this competitive prosperous uh… we found that the process of
assets has changed brings you will get this previous like electrically this previous life when you
think about competitiveness the agony of competitiveness is
everything matters the schools better the rose madder everything that she could therefore in order to approve the plan
as you have heavy sustain relentless to upgrade the standard you reached so you have been through the school
should not be permitted technical school she got to be improving the university
of she got to be uprooted his confession by richard airport sufficient respond on itself never ending process of dealing with lots and lots of
different sorts of things that all combined to shape the productivity of the region forty five years if you see economic development is just
something that the government does it’ll never get done it will be sustained pop you know if your economic
development planted in the region this is his differences is something that the
mayor announced its new beginning of this error for her to her uh… that’s always a definite you’ve got to have a copy of a process
that but just keeps going on doesn’t matter
to the nearest just keeps rolling because you’ve got institutions in place but you’ve got the private
sector impeachment and university the people that you’re going to be there
no matter what government’s about those are people have to do it now and how to organize yourself to do that
is something that learned a lot about it and i don’t have
time to cover all the subjects are very important subject but just give you
a taste of this repetitious or not location in a and we can go into definitely stop its
appearance now that we look at the comedy like the
columbus area accom when we look at pc three very different
kinds of businesses the nikon we see here are some businesses are
hidden your region at least conceptually i’m not saying
they are because they’re not looking publishing looking at the united states some industries are located in
particular location because of inconsistent so that they have coal deposits in columbus there might be some firms they’re the
people that’s one class referred to the
original com people here because of natural resources and a m as you can see here less than one percent of all u_s_ jobs
now heavily dependent on that front if you still left with the very few hot and these are declining what surprises many people is that
accident two-thirds of all the jobs enormous region on average would be able to local industries these are in this respect every region
hats in roughly the same force local health services local construction retailing restaurants things like that these are businesses that don’t compete across geography they basically sir almost exclusively
the local market and we know that because as we look
across the economic geography receded every region has these industries in
roughly the same proportions these industries are two-thirds of the
job lugarda two-thirds of all that house in your region animal there certainly will mark they’ve actually been this this category
of jobs actually growing faster on average that the other hand but as we’ll see you later these josette relatively lower average weight wide because these industries tend to
deploy u_s_ technology less skill and therefore they think they’re less
productive the real cool or shriver of any region obvious what we call them traded close these are the firm’s in industries that
make products and services that are traded across that are similar processors are sold any supper across the cross the state across the
country across the world and sons we see that this is actually there are all the jobs on average in the
u_s_ they’re growing not hugely rapidly that they’re growing but look at your average which perpetrated clusters versus local calls substantially higher hire all the way to one point three
three persons eighty-four relevant standpoint the wage growth although the wages the job growth is higher gear to wage
growth is stupid and higher gear pocketbook control the currency measure procured much or in terms of what the metrics we used to
look at at projected growth meaning which is that he became a
technology we see what the pain intensity of these industries specified so when we look at region weekly look at
weekly look at everything that’s going to consist of these three buckets these here are important there huge for jobs and want to make sure that these are as
productive as possible before local businesses are not
productive that will drag down the productivity or
traded businesses are treated as is often depend on as well this is a great mistake in japan to give up religious worried about the
export businesses they could forget about local construction wholesaling and all that sort of stuff indicates some costs will be business as
you can because those local industries were
protected and subsidized that japanese curry stop investing in
japan and start investing offshore you can ignore the local busters that
really important want to be a sufficient and productive as possible but this is what really drive her car these are the really the the high-wage industries that actually if these to you well these people if these guys are supporting high wages
and high wage growth tiring work cityscape demand for these and drive them up insult me fine at the level of trade
wages in the region determines the level of local hitched
reached and uh… and so when you’re thinking
about your kadhi all of our orton but these you’ve got a really looked
like it now we’ll be looking at connie what do
you see them is the trade clusters very different depending on which we can
do because they’re specialization in regions tend to do best in your
became investigated the itself throughout europe we have one executed
clusters opportunities that we have different
makes a way that we have different things and so forth bust messing up does have some fun wilson clumps hearing heart you know we’ve gotten through oppa first of all time experts think
about how we can measure data floor it region and others in the city the flute care issue the standard mitch barnes physical area
pessimistic and they are going to show you use for
that particular your job the brown is what’s called a economic
area that’s a bigger economic unit defined by park commerce if i had a little more time in a little
more energy thought we could have actually run the
data for the economic area as well part what we’re finding is that when you
look at a you can’t think of that city and
isolation have to get that statement contest with strands will come visitor some things that should be done
in the city in the center with other things that are more
efficiently done outside of the city and having the right
efficient spatial distribution industry it’s important but for purposes of the
slides i’m going to show you i’m showing you the blue anil let’s look at some of the ways that we
would look at the success of an economic area unfortunately are being ends your two thousand one because that’s when the federal
government has seen fit to you spit out the data uh… we’re hoping that he doesn’t have
to show stuff uh… i think you know i’ve been through
sunday whenever we get it we we will be built
working opposite this is as if he doesn’t want for most regions two
thousand one was starting to look a little but it was still sort of it a little
what had been a very good good and two thousand two generally looks a lot less exciting but these are all together one thing we compare you to other
regions were preparing food backyard and he said he tends to look at the
decade what ninety nine two thousand one a lot cluster according to our debt is the thirty
seventh largest pessimistic in terms of employment in there premature they’re pretty hard employment growth however right two hundred seventy so what we’re all fine here is that
congress is a pretty good solid prospers prospers region obd but you’re not you’re not your prosperity is a little
bit lagging yours your size in terms of your ranking and your measures of vitality and dynamism are the things that cause
me to be so employment growth what seventeen vs versus your size of the reset partner playgirl radar data is listed
two percent versus almost two-and-a-half nations all unemployment rate going up hooked but lower than your sizer average wage fifty third ritual about that good solid ranking rehta hun we get the sense that that this is this is the kind of a good
solid yen level region in terms of performance but it’s likely to get measures up of how well organization side we only have a number
of measures that we were able to look at nearby but it has a patenting rates that means we look at is a measure of
immigration output pads for uh… but that doesn’t believe
in your region or four point seven you rate one forty nine among reached so seymour we’re falling down if i can
work you sides prejudiced right now we’re going to
gamble uh… brooklyn pat and the death here’s a little bit last
night but in roughly the same as as you’ve got a great traded establishment for most of the
number of new establishments were entities in the trade to the compound faster we
spitting out entities again you’re ranges the slower loveable ogre again i think that that this is i think
it’s hard to be good that this is not a region of the crisis
or that there’s a that problems but it’s a region that actually i have
some issues that to address you know what’s our vitality where are we doing that this is the employment in your region apply training and what you see here is where a clear
region the the rest of the state ranks
nationally in this particular cost so your top us a recording artist
financial services hob and this is the trade part of it absorbs
there’s also some local food visa services object distribution
services number three that’s an interesting one up education knowledge creation uh… so we’ve got some major educational employment in this region hospitals and and construction so look at how the services really dumb and that’s not unusual that that that’s
typical for a lot for all week you have a number one ranking actually
in construction materials of all metropolitan areas your other high-ranking tip regarding
financial services review your thirty senate largest so anything or your higher than thirty
seven you have to reporter penetration pleaser three hundred eighty these these these are metropolitan areas
we’re not looking at the whole economy let me just miserable hot you have any issues wrecking
ideological commit forwarders tiny but not usually make it
there communications equipment plastics peter is where you have some strengths
as measured by now here’s your private business
portfolio if you will in the trade economy again the local economy you’ve got
pretty much the same local instances of aids so if we focus here uh… we saw on construction carole
simpson vacations equipment aram so basically what we do here as we said
okay whatever what’s our average share of nationally in the area so you had turned out to be point six
seven percent national trading floor in the congress much funnier soviet if you have one of that that means that you have the
strength in that class angie over penetrate implement that we would expect just
given your average size tonight about what and here is where you are taking
position relative to other regions that losing position while okay so we see ya’ll are split let’s
truly on this part of the economy because this is preferable so we see that deferential simpson’s it’s actually
quite a ride interesting case where you’re not only
are you strong looking like a double a strong if you would expect it
yourselves which also give each year so this is an area of strength vitality distribution services we see that arteries mixing of chemicals lighting it’s usually a m growth in ninety-eight part which is which is nice to see we do see however some large clusters
are kind of declining losing position that mister we decline in absolute terms but not growing as fast as the cluster
is next so yeah it is not free relative influence you uh… universities all kinds of educational institution allison research organizations the x is already have possesses begins each of
these is a collection of but not local schools not not anything that would be local uh… business services we’re this is a
very large cluster in the u_s_ economy this is a mishmash of their support for
the whole question will look at the same plastics is quite strong slightly leadership so that that’s kinda uh… what portfolio looks like that is
actually not alarming i looked at one of these on a dot blots it’s wrong thing to do and what you’ve
got some merging things later they’re gaining position sato organization but it also would look
like a planter over region is released and that would tend to be a lot of stuff up here’s where the jobs were created over
the decades of nineteen ninety two two thousand one and what we see here globally repeated national benchmark basically in financial services the u just for a list asses national financial
services creators and jobs rejected criticism and that’s what you’re getting chick so you did well mind this is services
national benchmark agreed that the new jobs intimately create that the columbus is kind of business
services hello is losing his age up chesterson logistics white house job generation distribution
again over perform communications equipment over
performance has been and actually it was great export lopez’s there’s not a big
disasters pronounced in south carolina him really has to be disastrous developed on board to the products these
are a variety of things yet though that they are unified by the
fact that there is a motor at the point of whatever he is argument was made some small job losses
for the most important so this is basically healthy story that
you’re creating it that street jobs that’s why the unemployment rate is
pretty low uh… but uh… but it’s it’s
interesting to look at this nixon and someecards telling us about the nature of our common glue well i would what i can u irrigated is sort of now
lets take each one of our clusters and tear apart a little bit this is an actual services where would i would angel services insurance that’s that’s t_v_ aired are growing generate most paula jones regenerated ms foster kicked him out of
insurance we can show you which companies those
are we can give you the companies that you please to the extent that the date is not
perfect we can give you a lot of the list of who who’s here who’s the
atmosphere forget all the stuff we haven’t will be
happy to share with you the starting a new kind of this error picture of what’s your economy housing
people on it welcome to make it actually here’s the
uh… insurance dominates the jobs parlam but here’s another carrot tennessean
inconsistent with through one of these charts began to see that you know we have making a decent wages but these charts on weightage his little
violently as the national average wage in that subplots so just think that securities brokers
dealers in exchange implanted in the region blackmail compared to the average national origin he got in software internet a lot of feels in that minivans services heels and then sit back and
feels you’re there but your segments or you’re doing things
that are only supporting some of the week so that tells us that you know we got to
find a way that to raise the the skill base
resuscitation gruza technology-based of our economy and satisfied nap when i talked about so far and i
think it ninety-eight percent long-time already is the regional economy as a whole there’s so much more talk about and so much more we could cover in terms
of how to how to think about diagnosis do about it we can come back
to me town has requested i’d like to scroll
down from the region as a whole to the actually the poor record because what we find is that in many
regions we have sort of a donor effect and that is we have a pretty high level
of prosperity around the tasty part but there’s kind of a hole in the middle it is actually quite a bit of poverty and unemployment and lack of economic success rate in the middle of
the government right in the actual nursing itself and that’s also true encompass based on
moved again to get a little bit unter but but not a whole lot better condition and so one of the things we we we
understand is that that situation actually views intolerable in the long run we can’t have a healthy regional economy
unless proven court why how do i know that because that’s
what the details it tells us that regional vitality is affected by
vitality there’s been a wide recognition that year c_d_s art a big problem in the united states would
know that poverty and the u_s_ is concentrating on cds off here you’re not you know houston or los angeles book but you have your own
version of a if she thought report not being flight was dismissed
bridge what we do about that well the traditional kind of way of japan dressing v urban
core was full of model that look like this basically the whole focus was how can we help these poor people the way to help them is to figure out
all over deficiencies that they have it also believes they have housing healthcare uh… peanuts error and pour money and resources in the back all of the economic space that was
looked at it so we had all these community
development corporations neighborhood by neighborhoods walkable and believe factor in this process was
not citizens government’s job to do with
logs for people in the neighborhoods by helping them
dress there social needs and that is correct as far as the cups
that is the fed folks living was committees have a lot of meat and housing stocks are not purpose and home ownership is well and uh… medication levels are inept and so already effort was critically
necessary to kinda get us to a certain level but what we’ve come to believe is that
that’s not that you can’t just right you just can’t
you can’t just try to objected to focus on weaknesses and
deficiencies in actually have to make sure but he also think about how to create
healthy economic base doesn’t lessees gregori resort
participating in the economy unless the residents of these
communities can actively participate in the economy then there’s no amount of money that
will ever solve this problem because it’ll just what is the only real
problem rather than dealing with the underlying solution so so what we’ve been working on instantly ok let’s do the inner city not
only as a social problem also has a pop up it happens steps can be take to actually
built healthy now for many people that seems to be
impossible to read maybe people kind of assumed that well
the place where the economic activity should really be used in the suburbs but actually what we come to find is that that’s actually not
a natural state of affairs the urban poor ought to be a very vital if we think about directly that week that we can change that makes
it so what are you doing an artwork on inner
cities is to say okay let’s change the lobbyists let’s keep going some of the stuff but
let’s also think about such as raising property mcrainey tops about his folksy deficiencies but winter could be fined the competitive
edge is quickly finding assets of occur before what would be built in terms of
the problem colorado looking at the neighborhood
let’s look at the whole region and think about where you’re going for could fit into the spatial economy to the region and again happily shift of pollution now of the basic pervasive starting
point or we’re thinking about how to
revitalize the records to say okay what are the competitive advantages working for might have as a place for business what sort of this is a should be uh… frightening knows areas versus the suburbs and the basic theory and again i don’t
have time to cover all of this is that they are there’s there’s a chance for kiki that we find four other men economical number one in one of my book is the work
force are we are often have poor if this seems a little strange now
because we’ve been through economic downturn but we are facing a worker shortage in
here actually murder and we’re going to have no workers very
sick timepieces continues in little rock we’re already seeing ya changes the reason we know we’re not going to be
workers is that the work force is growing at one percent in the economy is growing into an
athlete and remember what it was like before we
get it out it was impossible to find work in the last basically cool it would be
less workers used in the air and so it’s actually at the vatican to
relapse for businesses that don’t require very
high loans to people you’re going to come to critical votes in fact before the downturn he had company
starting to blacken the report uh… because that was the place where
they contracted region okay a second baby five year period for and
again i don’t know for this year so i can tell you how much these principles malcolm all of doctor said falsified records because of population
density even though the average income as well we tend to see a very large market for
retail goods answers and often commercialism that has been at
the end ali jet was moved out all the stuff you
know all the super markets moved out and there’s a lot for coming to ours
that may have had often can be a really important engine for doing the best all that date we have a columbus’s justices
absolute reforms so-called inner-city response which we
tried to charm treatment if the actually purchasing power of
persuasive let’s try it in your room for the use of the regions
all yet i don’t know really which retailers actually come
back two-tiered clinically they are starting to come back in some
parts we find that here in korea strictly a
strategic location near the central business district near
the transportation networks owned businesses that are logistically
sensitive are that require a lot of deliveries and
logistics your fortunes equivocation and that we find opportunities to leave
the urban poor locations to that posters and at the basic principle his to look at city look at the region
understand whatever before looks like what assets their brains as at this
location and then start to change their mind set start to change their mind set towards
what can we do to pants and encouraged and revitalize our business base in the
urban poor how commitment we deal with the things this is the link
gateway et cetera so against a little bit a great time to
stop census tracts are defined as economically distressed neighborhoods using our methodology we look at three
matches with the poverty rate unemployment rate averaged income based on those three bedrooms we would take all the census tracts
innate city orders for materials classify them as being uh… kind of interest in your city or
not using our methodology these areas which
means i think he did nothing to me are actually the ones that qualify as this this means
economically distressed in these green census tracks we find
twenty six percent of the city’s total population according to our day out back in the census tracks there are
about six uh… establishments so there is a business trips off after a sketch of the face of
employment a fair number of workers but we find that like a very seriously
employment growth in that area he’s actually negative one point three percent whereas the absence of the growth was much higher unions so so this is a
classic pat this iriarte you know often has been space this but it’s not
been look at as a place in which economic development
business development is the central it’s been looked at as a place where we
got all of the largest in the city foster
has been for us are all where local clusters knowledgeable we see some substantial financial serbs so this is kind of a snapshot which really tells us that does have an inner-city yet it is not economically quite not not breaking that particular ob so here’s a more other statistics about your inner
city and have about a hundred and seven
thousand people uh… substantially lower median
household income twenty five percent spasticity we three persons arrested to kansas household income not individual wage unemployment rate three times high school attainment disastrously minority population substantial although
this is not a bad person capital cities uh… population but actually lower than
population yes i a home ownership rate it will work incumbency purchasing power per square mile actually fifty-seven uh… that was the first instead yes except you can see that that there’s a lot
concentrate purchasing power there that’s why retailers should be because they actually a very good
markets immersing z couple more dates like that by this look this measure status
measures of the business space so you know people and i think thirty
six thousand six of the staff which means but negative growth here slow growth in the city rapid growth outside of the city uh… business start-ups and small enough pretty bankruptcies actually lower cell this is a big interesting uh… here’s
the uh… portfolio chart for that inner-city area and you can see it gets simpson moments of the things that and today i think this is all too how much deeper than corners of the metropolitan areas employment are and then there was a growing up
drinking we’ve got too many people who is below the line shrinking this what this says is that fifty
percent all that much from the ritz transportation justice is actually in in your court so that’s a
sign of weapons advantages know if you’re going to write a check
usually just operation one being the center so you can go out supposed to be out trying to fight your
way around him so again i i i try to give you a lot
today to hear simpson parts that’s what i would just for the
closed-loop today in alabama we argue that there is a relief open and competitive economy your region skimpy not only with every other regions
in america but it’s also competing with other
locations upward ever going to win based on what
wages will never will never win it of all the
authors low wages are low cost to do this is because we have lol power costs that cheap water or you
know whatever will never win that game you are going to even in america because
there are many other places in america that much more prosperous into business
then conformist as region op so in order to have a vital economy
we’ve got to figure out what we need to do to create more productive more sophisticated environment business can operate in order to do that we found out that we did not think about
some general policies like that uh… you know uh… just improving the
roads we also got to start to think about
clusters and where we can develop unique specializations in uni gas certainly
technical part expertise in unique educational
programs in the think tanks and in university research institutes we can lead to start to think about how
we can actually productive and competitive
field but what we think that i have no we
can’t just think about that we also have to put a lot of weight on
your was well because that turns out to be off of one of the
things that’s really very strongly affecting the overall
results well i can see a little bit longer if
anybody has any questions that you know i hope this will encourage you to do a lot more work on
the side of what your plans are plenty of sleep retrofitted your but he did if you work remember the park and what you don’t know hetero this and you were hoping to columbus the federal trade war with where we look for other models in the united states that might be
somewhere in our area are definitely more
desperate also been more vital or would you are recruited well on weekend first of all i think what this says is
that if you haven’t already done it every so often everything ought to do so in a competitive sets in the most important thing you can bet
of assessment about roger conner it’s not so so i think the opaque that’s what i think and so this is just the teaser you know this is just the beginning of of what that processes and aren’t really all that process would
only come you know what you’re doing well waiting
for reply for the issue you know one of the challenges water
that constraints with the weaknesses that we need to address and uh… uh… why is this happening what we do and so i think the second one nikki’s at
the regions that you won’t have a stretch your research triangle was just a bunch
of corn fields and that they had an idea that they
could take these three universities that happen to be there pretty much
completely disconnected from you comments to us they can take these two universities
increase strategy around it took a long time to twenty years or
so but then end up with a very vital thing and so he is trapped beneath the need to do
with that assessment media strategy are crucial to that we believe it should be done with women group that that crosses the
constituencies that i’ve been talking about posse the government has to be
involvement private-sector in this group is a excellent storybook to be a champion of that
effort uh… i don’t think so you are not
yourself and he trade organization that has been
enduring commitment too carrying this on rather than just wants to have a
reversed of energy and everybody excited for you’re in the contract so that’s that’s a thirty-page in terms of looking for models alum he’s actually we’ve actually done some studies ipin realized too late last night that i should have brought you some
documents that actually document number of the regions that are interesting that
the interesting things so we can share with you a lot of work
terribly happy cure riverdance you malice carter cause business move my arm working its way to
regions and right that we have a sense your because up there’s there’s two there at the hard work they kicked in
the inner city initiative is amortization i couldn’t work on the
open koresh and they’ve actually work with milwaukee
and you happen to have the person who even knows that case very
well so you can hear about that example that’s an example of working on the
urban oration it so happens that city is working with
akron right now resorted acronis mayor has been there for for ever this one is also now the chairman of the
conference of mayors and so we’re going to try to do things
get bmp national leader in time putting out some of this thinking with his cock so i’d like to see his one asap that
can’t be perhaps helpful looking at the urban poor nations with respect to the economy as a whole
on yet as i mentioned earlier we have
tremendous datasets that we have and i’d be happy to make those available
but that’s a harvard uh… and then there are some firms are not so i think use at work hawking get its victims it’s the kind of thing that you have a yahoo here here here talking
about a lot of different issue you’ve got to decide which to victor
hugo’s are the most important for the long term future of the region right now and you might conclude that the economy it’s okay you mean it’s it’s not great first it’s certainly not needed i’m seeing a lot works and i see a lot of depressed people
sitting around a lot phase double the national act you know
it’s not a decade so you may not conclude that the economy is that but we found is the economy is so
crucial to everything else you’ve got a good economy that all the
same deal educational issues and so forth begins that you got to decide whether if the
economy is comes up high rate of speed or if the inner city
park economy comes up i mean there’s been very nice
that you need to come during your speech sagas though cream clusters of local heavy similar balance in the inner city
persons summer there could be early strategy which they tree hostile around the circle absolutely well foster was in a circle rolled around example i think there are a serious ee issued
uh… in that region they had relatively small centers and ob the huh created essentially large um… that that was sort between those three universities and
that’s where they the lately before their attention in terms of
approval the white house is a week and i can save you actually a
story about them it we would expect that determine court would be the place where some of the local services were provided so it’s not at all surprising to see the
financial services and your portable health weekend hospital complexes overseas in many cases located all that is perfectly natural uh… flying that uh… there should be
equal down within the reach but what we find is across regions we tend to find about the same portion of the local and you are new york very high-level treatment please interested in users peter well i’ll be for first of all it’s it’s just uh… p part is just simply math you know that
the at the urban korea’s hundred sixty six thousand people and they have very very very low energy
comes they’re not simply pulls down the
average for the whole reached so that that’s part of it but what what we believe would go a long
time found is that that have a slightly to escape the over you have a healthy and poor ups and benefits number one you free up resources in terms of uh… a public investment
that is now going to address that straps and that that that resource gets to be
tested more broadly contenders you tend to see that congestion rabin’s perot some of the problems that may regions
have competed gate vehicular reports help arm and it’s a rather than trying to learn
more structure more green space to for a third party or where you you end up with
a situation where you are of course as good healthy neighborhoods and people
want with their back in and all the sudden here your
infrastructure in the region gets more efficiently utilize rather than
stretched thin iraq build more more more efficient we find that that often region space
constraints on economic growth and labor force infrastructure if you get to prove in
court healthy you add resources that that light dot aspx something that i’ve
made the point about the work force you know it depalma’s reached tapped out reporters you still have a hundred and fifty
thousand underemployed people facetious facial organization of
industry sometimes more efficiently john core other things more efficiently prefer so you know we tend to see castration
logistics food processing tertiary healthcare all of us and should
really be happening gathering people from the whole the whole economic period whereas if your book or is this is the
since they don’t then you end up minute drive businesses
out of the other that that would be kind of conception why each here beyond beyond just doing the right thing one should care economically about intensified absolutely i guess i i understand we’re kramer line
michael opulence that’s coming in today i think that’s sister only thirty seconds or maybe it
will provide i think that the economic health news here are you aware of corporate plan have two biggest potentially knows better what it takes to build a healthy economy than the private sector yadda private-sector already thinking about
how to deploy its workers would have to be that in ways that really improve the
business vitality in the business contacts region imaginary were corporations are unusual
expertise so pumped i would part i think that i’d also would say the same thing but he
needs updation retardation pompous but but i think you know foundation for a
special report but the guy about the information also has a
very fundamental uh… private-sector plans be working closely
with conviction very excellent focal point of that you’re going to need
some kind of an organizational structure perhaps this partnership could be the
court of that in order to do de do the assessment do
the research now i’ll get to view some documents that bipartite

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