this is a water droplet you’re going to
see in this water droplet a frequency are is being pumped into
this water droplet as the frequency are is mirrored in the
droplet you actually see the geometric patterns in that droplet know what’s happening in the recent this
is so significant is because we’re going to do a frequency
sweep we’re going to go from low frequencies to higher frequencies and what you find
is this you’ll see that in the lower frequencies
but patterns are less complex in the higher
frequency the patterns are more complex so we’re
going through a sweep from lower to higher frequency I’m sharing this
with you now because earth is essentially going through a
frequency sweep are fundamental polls are based polls it has hovered around 7.8 cycles per
second now is changing again is like controversy
about what the changes and we’re witnessing the change as we go
through our planetary shift have this polls patterns have energy
must change to respond to that just as patterns have
energy in this water are changing to respond to this to those
polls and will begin was simply the concentric
patterns in the water is the frequency begins every once in a
while or reach a key threshold residents such
as that moment right there in that key threshold residents the entire pattern morphed into a more
complex expression itself simply because the frequency changed now
watch what happens the frequency still increasing and watch what happens as we reach another key threshold residents this
entire pattern will morph into a beautifully in more complex
pattern itself again and again look at this pattern right
here look what you’re seeing right here look at the beautiful geometry here’s a
perfect cue there’s a perfect tetrahedron star
tetrahedron to the mentions we’ve got the octahedron
very powerful images a sacred geometry held in place simply because we’ve achieved vibratory pattern that allows
that this water drop and as the vibration increases these
patterns become more and more complex you can see
the polls where you are can you see the polls
actually in wanted as we go into this the last set the
frequencies what you’ll see is that the entire new watch along the outer perimeter the
entire pattern reaches its greatest level of complexity and then it goes back I’m as the
frequencies drop it goes back to what was the concentric circles ok as it was rigid it almost looks alive you know even offered many times the concept that fought is
vibration have you ever considered that the motion is vibration feelings vibration we are always feeling something we’re always emoting something we may not always be aware
what that is we carry those patterns with us as we hold the feeling in the
motion what we’re doing is we’re holding a vibratory pattern in the liquid
crystal love our bodies feel has now been scientifically shown
to be provable what you gonna see now all what happened to particles of sand
and other burials particles what nice sound resonates across the plate and and
resonates those particles in tune with the sound because when we
think we not just sending out a wave which
resonates the energy with sending out on a frequency outside the range of human
hearing was sending out a sound everything is
sound when we think the sound goes out it
resonates the energy around us to the sound and what you bout to see are some
pictures that show this happening when sound is introduced and how sound takes random particle and turns it into astonishing form and that’s how this universe was created in the beginning was the Word the word with sound so you’re looking at here is merely particles on two patents I
sound day but all over the place to start with
Justin random positions on the plate soon as
the sound peers reform into these patents because and
everything is sound it is sound that turns matter and and G into form passes on wings for Burton it sex up all the manifestation at the South by
Britain’s every organ in our body resonates to a certain frequency when a
sports on and emotions and stress and the vibrations that that causes DT
harmonized the vibrational state about that was possible body with cum ill we
think ourselves into illness because we’re affecting the vibrational state at
the body and so every time you think and feel
your resonating a frequency which is making the energy around you
resonate to the same frequency what you give out is what you create he
is seeing many galaxies and just formed by particles and sound just how the galaxies in the universe in
the solar systems were formed and continue to be held in the structure
there in through sounded the spelling changes the matter
changes the energy changes so when you look at what it says in text
likely even the Old Testament in the beginning was the
Word and the Word sound and sound is everything when you think and feel you create and
sound this is how the on beat senator
residence well you’re looking at here or into
acting frequency is making a beat and so on while the frequency of the heart is a and at
the right level beats in the normal number it
beats a minute but when we become stressed we
effect that frequency and the heart beats faster at so
everything is sound even the human heart be and the interacting frequencies that make it
happen we’ve seen the galaxy is now here the planet’s for me just on a plate for the particles caused by sound passing through them this planet has a resonant frequency
school shooting cavity resonance but basically what let frequency hopefuls
the planet will hold its present form the frequency changes the form which
matches the same with everything and he use T sounds being passed through I and filings and particles and therefore creating
form once again from these pictures it’s
hardly difficult to see how the human body is forms through
sound resonating energy and how they’re physical form is held as long as that
sounds matches excelled but what’s that changes the
physical body changes so there you sit in with stunning effect how sound creates for how galaxies are created how planets are
created and although to a planets in Bulls have ‘em particles all those revolt within galaxies will meet lee party pills turned into for bicep at left just back I but by the of I I ok this next series photographs to the work
of Japanese researcher mister muscle ru a moto from his book the
message from water I’ll mister motors work provides factual
evidence the human population energy thoughts words ideas in music affect the
molecular structure water please remember that water comprises
over seventy percent a mature human body in covers the same
amount on our planet water is the very source above all like I’ll this 40 shows the beautifully formed geometric
designs up the you should spring water way this next photo is from the gym
montel River the last green spring in Japan and notice the extraordinary geometric forms
the fact that the molecular structure of water can be affected by our
consciousness are intended in our sounds this
extremely imported this photo is from the Mount
Cook glacier New Zealand in mister modo has been
visually documenting these molecular changes in water by
means of his photographic techniques he freezes
droplets of water then examines them under a dark field
microscope that is photographic capabilities his
were clearly demonstrates the diversity of the molecular structure of water and the fax the environment upon the
structure above the water for this photo this from the fountain words
France for this photo were is from contaminated
water from the yodel River in Japan ok way in this photo we can compare the
contaminated water clean stream water look at the
difference good the this promoter decided see what apec’s
music would have upon the structure of war he placed distilled water between two
speakers for several hours while playing different music and then photographing
the crystals that formed after the water was frozen for this photo is water being exposed to
Beethoven’s Pastoral like this photos effective box care for the G
string army water for were for this photo is water expose shop and farewell song this next photo is water being exposed infected to music
that was designed for healing this photo soap water being exposed to
the cold watch the folk dance in this photo shows the effect a happy metal music on the water here now we can compare the effects healing verses heavy metal music and work happens to the water molecules
of this promoter decided to see how
thoughts words affected the formation untreated distilled water crystals by
typing words onto paper and then taking this paper a glass bottles overnight this photo
shows the effects of the words thank you were this next photo shows the effects are
the words low and appreciation in this photo shows the effects word you make me sick I’ll kill you well here we can compare the dachshund thank
you with you make me sick kill you very very different geometric
forms being current through the intentions this photo is very clued in toxic water from the hood which warrant dang here now is the same water from the
pooch wore a tan after a Buddhist monk had of prayer over
I’ll prayer at Sandown coupled with intention
seems to have an extraordinary ability restoring water
to its natural harmonious geometric symmetry good in this photo we can compare toxic water in the effects of praying
over the war it’s really quite impressive
I’ll these photographs so we’ve just seen
show proof that not only does sound have the ability to
perfecting changing political structure but that with regard to the molecular
structure of water but are intended with our sound is
extremely important this may have great implications for the
future about personal and Planetary harmony and healing the and to what extent is water capable love
picking up information what does it perceived and how does it
remember it overtime the aerospace Institute in Stuttgart has
discovered a relatively simple way of making the structure of a troubled water visible the researchers have had their
efforts rewarded by insights into a very beautiful world
each drop as a fleece have its own unmistakable and unique why are the
individual drop so different from one another it got a lot of people to come to lecture
hall here at the Institute I’m from the be the more the seawater
lesson at the big drops in exactly the same time when Hamlin collected all the drops and discovered
that each individual released different images from the same water intimate and you can see the Resources
Minister on the right you can see all the images are the individual students
with different 2009 with those me buying cubans control
quite similar experiment this is the worst your first
experiment earns from this twenty years with the second this
is the third on this from the board londoners individually little boy easily
be reproduced in Athens but would never have thought they were all from the same
water because when you compare the images from the people yes big difference is also wonder she
then we undertook experiments to find out what the things changed when we put
something into the watermarking the door real flowers was placed in the
water in this possible by a while later went to drop water and
here you can see where the pictures is in disputes with and you can see in
this picture is the chemical image you get when you cross lower and water mains Needham total you could recognize the
flour and every single drop in this class of course him you’d like to be
reproduced in has significance and put it in a feud with different flower in
your examples we we implore and elite and all
the drive to the store would look like this week William also same the behold that a statement the water has a memory
practically changes our whole way of looking at the world of course at
lonmin’s in them let’s travel down the line in the big
sense too much water is growing on the Rhine possibly sticking up information
everywhere it goes to the isn’t until the water has more
information by some of the Rhine the nerd herd at the source sis also and
the Dutch living at the mouth and only drink that
water they’re also drinking all this information order visit me a
lost the world’s oceans would no longer be something that separates has been
staged by a giant storehouse of information in the
rain perhaps be a data mediums hearing information to the world in a so it isn’t needed a mystery moto speaks content being the driving horse in all a yes the science out that
actually affects the molecules is unknown accepted the water molecules cord and it’s really fascinating when
you keep in mind that ninety percent a our bodies our walk makes you wonder if parts could do that
a lot imagine thoughts dude and i sat empty your mind be formless shapeless like water you put
water into a cop it becomes the cup you put water into a
bottle becomes the bottle you put in a teapot it becomes the teapot water can flow court can crash be water my friend Mar the No there are there take a look at our jobs there are 100
billion stars in our galaxy not take a look at the galaxies in the
universe we can actually come to in the visible universe our house starts have the range desi a hundred million
dollars well how many stars are there little
universe love them 100 billion times a hundred
billion that is a ass long-haul number you have
to be suffering arrogant to believe that we are the only one the me here we are twenty-five thousand
light years away from the center of our galaxy in our galaxy is over a hundred thousand
light-years across but even bad as large as it is is kind
of a spanking in the hospital distance scale our Milky Way galaxy may appear big to
us compared to some others on that text peace 1 one friendship come around me I’m mine girls look at him it turned out a
long time a DP that’s what the obvious stuff out of the
way you’re not human step to get you more obvious 9 if I had
to guess a chair a program from machine No so the same I’m so far so good but if that’s true then I’m systems another con troll keep going I suppose the most obvious questions how
can I trust you bingo no yo it is typical no doubt about it bad news
is there’s no way if you can really know whether I’m here to help you so it’s really up to you just have to
make up your own them and we do accept what I’m going to tell you or reject am 10 p.m. on there are mountains cultures and
societies that exists throughout fast space and the societies and
cultures have been on an office planet from the
very beginning not just me the the 1800 S we are only one group being one star system there are many who have
journeyed here for many reasons majority of the extraterrestrials are
here for your commitment though there are also hours who are here for other reasons this you we give our version of games only to
bring you into higher consciousness we do not wish to say that dispersion only this version is how it is this
whole teaching designed for the great purpose and mine
and the stories that we tell you are set up to take you to a higher plane
her jeans bad is our intention you are magnificent beans berserk the family at like and you come to her that this time
assignment to create an Asian to make a change to assist in the
transition you were told before you came here that
there would be much assistance and that at different junctures in your
development different entities represented themselves upon planet in different capacities to
trigger you fire you up and remind you 9 to do it for you we are one of those triggers a catalyst when you hear the name the ATM’s you
feel a connection because we are assisting you can bring your own
information your on knowing forward you yourself chose to be here you are on
assignment to bring memories forward to bring the value of human existence and back to the forefront of creation you are needed you have been in training for this
assignment from lifetimes you did not come I’m from here all that you need to know now is inside
you and it is your chance to remember your
training this is not a lifetime when you are
going to be taught new information as we said before this is the lifetime when you are going to remember what you
already know and we are just here to remind you love
it by is part of our assignment humanity is an experiment humanity has been designing as has just
about everything else that exists within creation prime creator began experimenting with
creation long time ago this team members for the purpose of
greater self-exploration self-gratification and self-expression prime creator brought energy compassion
his light extensions on the down into the Sooners and down those extension with Guinness that at hand prime creator said to be extension Cal
go out and create and bring things back to me are was a beautiful place located on the
fringes wanna pick a lock systems easily released from another galaxy it
was close to many way portals highways that exist for energies to
travel throughout Spain some of the Creator God to a master
genetic thing the master geneticist designed various
species some human some am home by plane alrighty DNA but the suspension civilizations
contributing to maker into the exchange center information might center living my dream be regional planners a better remembers
the family like beings who worked for and we’re so see
it with an aspect of consciousness hardline they could find a place where galaxies
with contributor information and we’re all would be able to
participate sheer specific knowledge earth was to be a
cosmic library place have incredible beauty experimented with how information could
be stored your frequencies and through the genetic processes project at the living library on her with eventually mono during birth early history there were
more hours in space ownership planet I’m skirmishes took
place and it became placed around him certain Creator God to have the right to
do whatever they wanted because we’re is a free will sound came in and to go when the skirmish in america a certain group identity spot in space
and one carry on these new owners did not want the native
bird species the human to be informed of what took place
uninformed species would be easier to control that is why I like information and
darkness is lack of information be anti-peace beat out my very became their territory these new owners who came here three
hundred thousand years ago by the magnificent being spoken out in in the Babylonian into Marion Catholic and in tanks all
over the world they came to earth and rearrange the
native human species a rearrange your DNA in order to have you broadcast within a
certain limited frequency band frequency feed them and keep them in
power they worked in there Laboratories Inc
created for him to humans the different DNA to stranded double helix DNA the original DNA pattern was left within
the human cells was not functioning it was where to park on we SPAD and came back three-time into what would perhaps be called an
hour harness became back in order to share frequency
with you frequency that each one nephew has
agreed to carry on this planet in order to change the DNA you rearrange human remains on earth is insisting in its own way the evolution you writers is where the plan begins to blast him and what happens on earn it’s going to
impact many the creator gods who have been moving
this plan have the ability to come visit though mostly Houston have the connections Baykeeper Minister vibrational frequency by they create emotional trauma two
nations there are some beans to honor my before
everything else and there are also being could do dinner on do not understand their connection to it who are these beings who came in and red Sunday the original crime why the space p me sometimes referred to as the Dirty
Shame the space being our part human and hard
material the call them to Lizzy’s because we like
to make things a little less emotional and little humorous so that you don’t take themselves too
seriously get how much said we are not here frighten you we are here
to 1 they have had of your emotions one of the big Pete greenspan has been
kept from your FB if the richness and well companies in
motion you have been steered away from
exploring in motion because through emotional you can figure
things out ok your emotions connection with the
spiritual body spiritual body corners in on he said thing a multidimensional here on why are we telling you all this why do you need to know it you need to know it because living
reality is reentering and merging you’re demanding as you wake into your history you will begin to open your engines
these are the eyes wants which the night through the eyes
of a human being but from the point to you gone may see the connectedness and purpose
Obama thing the ancient monitor able to seem too
many reality to connect the whole picture the whole
history on is to be found allow your brain and click into being
without a rational can use mine wanting to define things down to the
most minute detail experience involves raising feeling
inside yourself and then one day one moment in one afternoon having overwhelming fans not knowing having a compositional thousand pages
long come alive five seconds define me before you came into the body are you
committed to designing advanced for me fire you coming Department dreams that would activate
your memory news then you came into the body and you
forgot olive you have had your blueprints
incurring fire to some extent because you understand that there is a
divine permits or divine plan you are a part time you home the history and neuters within
your physical body what is occurring upon planned is the literal mutation have your
physical body for you are allowing it to be evolved to
a point where you will be a computer like and how much this
information on the firing up the coatings and the
realization that your identity are going to become me and the reason for this be involving DNA when you have twelve he works as a DNA in place those he lectures will begin to
plug into the 12 shot precious time the 12 shoppers are more text enters
loaded with information that you must be able to translate I’m you have to become super beans in
whatever reality you enter because members of the family like the branch
renegade this is your forte as members of the family have like you
know the inside scoop com as ambassadors to make realities
merge become more informed within themselves so that everyone involved can release fear and become on heating as you grow can come to these higher grounds and
recognition you were a breakthrough in what feels
like many Linux layers on yourself have held you damn the frequency that has limited the human
experiment as a radio station the human experiment has had one radio
station 300,000 years same old tunes the human experiment was
unable to turn the gyro hear a different to the same frequency was broadcast this
created a quarantine a healing balm on this planet be creative cosmic ray he’s standby
prime creator and new regional planners pierce through
this frequency shield they bombard her however they must have someone to receive them without a receptacle he’s created cosmic
rays would create chaos confusion you as members of the family lying come into this system to receive
these races knowledge you can disseminate knowledge the new
lifestyle and the new frequency to the rest of the population to alter the entire plan the ultimate Tierney in society is not
controlled martial law is controlled by the psychological
manipulation of consciousness through which reality is defined so that
those who exist within it tonight even realize is that they are in prison they do not
even realize that there is something outside where
they exist we hear every said what is outside have
what you have been talked exist it is where you sometimes venture and
where we want you to do well it is outside where society has told you
you can what we want more than anything else is
to assist you as members of the family of late 216 invigorating humans focused on the dance yourself to what to know you did and to what magical you perform into
work nights will you be willing push consciousness to give it a new
definition possibilities members up to bring your son the time
family at night work in teams you don’t go into systems
in my you need each other to do this work
because you cannot hold the frequency by yourself by going in his team’s you increase the I successfully carrying out the plan you are like Rainey’s in like spirals in
the central sign are very intelligent and you are guided
by a great intelligence inside the Central Sun the members of the family is like are
much more than human characteristically your supreme achievers in
multidimensional RAM one applies for a position in
multidimensional round as a member of the family line if you were to have a business card
printed up for yourselves when you are in phone memory of your
identity it would say something like renegade
member a family is like systems buster available for altering
systems consciousness within the three million
members on called show them world without controls without borders or boundaries world anything is possible we speak to you I
think you are not human because to us you are none to rise you are members of the family of
light you me know your multidimensional them school we speak to you about dealing with
humans because it is your assignment integrating with them seem then and awaken a spark of light within them to that they are not are destroyed president displacing house in the
species the new ramen activity on our final words including thank you too aren’t you recognize the light
killers that is a part of your identity and that move you to follow the silent
whispers at home down golden spiral corridors have your
own beam we honor you we recognize you and we are here to
assist you we are all here family is to bring that choice and the freedom to
be bomb back onto this plan family tonight right for us the opportunity to forge for
ourselves and for future generations a new world order how just need to take populace see is has me and I never will be yes that some
people might not know exactly the way and why they’re here directly to human beings
who are being blamed on you planet 43 to the name pair Diane are bracing for
Olive Garden there this is the level of the transformation
this is the level of the revenue revolution why top guns its consciousness Stephen here remove she said more to walk along with the skies you flashing red chillies and final he was up going just game the menu for you this completion Smith a it the you’ll throughout time there intersect the
moment cycles great house clocks winds way that were not only given a glimpse
of all that is possible the Wii actually have enough beyond call known true participate in a grander true within a higher level conscious
consciousness conscious scotched this right which this amor matter energy States time church my me yeah yeah people are starting to realize that
they’re all gone and was no longer a fragment the universe
and was the first as 6.2 twice billion people yours witness unprecedented changes Lorne motley St people deposition sign a planetary shit
like any generation out he had a generation
Cup formally I have a dream cannot escape you tomorrow by Andy time you going no quantum physics reveals that it’s
invisible stimuli that much more important and there’s a simple part by Albert
Einstein that make sense out of this and quote years the field is the sole governing agency of the particle when I
say meant by this very simply is not feel invisible energy forces around us are they are the sole governing agencies on
the particle particles man and so quantum physics as the character matter is alternately
determined by the field if we were ever going to interact with
our bodies who want to heal our bodies we want to create peace in our families
our communities we must speak to the fields that connect all things we must find a
meaningful language and nonverbal language it communicates
with the stuff that this world is made up bottom line
the three lines that they’re all speaking about inexperience and your experience
that we have focused on our hearts what the science now showing is that those experiences extend beyond our
bodies in the world around us because the field the ball hard is part
of the world around us in connection with that feel so that when individuals can find a
way to create coherence in their lives become more cooperative less aggressive more willing to solve problems together
bad experience is transmitted in this field in others
begin to find the same experience just because there in that field there in that field world the world this chart Rosa dotted line going up and down which
rise in quality basis up the number of people
who are meditating as a group in jerusalem all on a
volunteer basis and the solid line represents progress
towards he’s war in neighboring Lebanon and even
before the benefit a statistical analysis you can almost see from the raw
data that progress towards heat measured by reduced work desk reduced were injured
progress towards negotiated settlement among the rival factions the progress towards peace goes up and
down almost in lockstep with the number of people who were
meditating the group median this influences in Turkey to become outer when this was
subject to mathematical analysis likelihood that this is simply do some
look YouTube channel is less than one heart and about which for social scientific experiment is explore to be
able to say something with this certain big group meditation prevented war that is a really remarkable Clyde the likelihood
that this reduction war was again simply due to
chance and not due to the meditating group was
less than one part 10 billion million million there’s far more evident that group meditation
concurred of war like a light switch then there is
evidence that aspirin reduces had a at reduce up up you rain them night evening meditation can help us here mill problem can mean at the level of
budget which the brushless beard any 1 no thing am a question tonight can you actually
measure the emotional outpouring in a worldwide crisis sometimes scientists think that they
have done just that their machines and computers found it was our pattern right
after several global disasters CBS 2′s running keep
explains this phenomenal September 11 deeply affected people far beyond your in washington the attack
sent shockwaves around the world a global reaction that triggered a spike
in the network and scientific instruments just like a seismograph during an
earthquake you too though showed a similar pattern changing that day retired princeton
scientist doctor Roger Nelson believes the emotional focus up millions of
people on a single event like 9/11 may form a
global consciousness when we have a feeling in our hearts
we’re creating electrical and magnetic wayans inside of
our bodies that its stand beyond our bodies into
the world around us and what’s so interesting is the
research shows with those waves stand not just 1-meter or two meters many many kilometers beyond we’re are hard physically reason real the the the the No the I’m them just the love do it there I was too late do it this time to decide decide Hey Hey av prayer the sound good had Prasad I I 1 yeah him by the time new lows and I’m comes to replace word renews you there’s first improving the name then
there’s ruler you losses a it we need it’s not get the gym but Islam with them compassion toward one another ours we you remove this great fifth
wheel maybe find ourselves now begin the said the a choice straight yeah to here do engines 1 on happenings E nationally and internationally actually me lemme names so I any the don’t know do could be in the UK the by call do are a the are then and I’ll I’ll duh %uh do do down %uh the do the a on today today that urge the are today yeah do do do do the up the the low the time do cool for a that a old all are that a in all choice gray-haired here the and you NY in girl good tonight time Greece United miss me the the the I’m what ok the gym should the very timely overturn take your medication with nice where
feel recreation a real vacation is you and me the gym you do something when no longer
tourist and to use saying lifetimes heated it’ll be entering the atmosphere 40
seconds really you’re right you’re right you’re right but there are there are some things prestige saving
some people things can 10th slough that’s good that’s good that’s a good
example like love love is worth saving not null as good use me the wrong wrong wrong I need you thank you very much pic tell her Coleman to me some the 10 9 a six by all three 1 slow this T do that ok tiny confirmed about it dead planet seems to stop 262 miles from
compact up yeah but hi me
Sacred Knowledge of Vibration and the Power of Human Emotions