We faced this issue some time ago that outlook 2010 kept asking for password again and again and had to do a lot of search to sort it out. When users changed their passwords from Web browser, outlook kept asking for password repeatedly despite the fact that they were entering correct password.
To solve this issue you should have Office 2010 Service Pack 2 on your system. To check if you have Service Pack 2 of office installed on your PC, open an Office 2010 application such as Microsoft Word/Excel. On the File tab, click Help. You will see the version information on right side of your screen. If the version number is less than 14.0.7015.1000 then you need to download Service Pack 2 for office 2010 (32 or 64 bit whatever your Office version is, this too will be written besides the version number). Download the SP from Microsoft’s website.
After installing SP 2 (and restarting system if asked), go to Control Panel–>Mail–> Click Data Files–> Click Settings button under Data files tab–> Go to Security tab after new sub window opens–> In “Logon Network Security” option select “Anonymous Authentication” from the drop down and save settings.
After that run outlook and enter password. Hope this solves your issue as well.
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